You have been awake since 5 am. Feedings, diapers, laundry, meals, emails, feedings and more feedings. You plop into bed exhausted at 11 pm, praying your baby will sleep for five hours in a row. You glance over at your husband who has that little gleam in his eye. " Sex now? No way! Roll over and go to sleep dear!" It's a familiar scene for families with young children. As a mom, you are too tired for any kind of sex, let alone great sex. But you know a physical relationship with your husband is part of a healthy marriage. You feel badly for not desiring sex, but you're too tired to do anything about it. So how can you rekindle your desire for intimacy, even with a new baby? 1. Put it on the back burner, but don't forget about it. Having a baby does take a great amount of time, work and energy. Sex may have to go on the back burner when your baby has a need. But just like you wouldn't leave food sitting on the back burner for weeks, don't forget about sex...